Welcome to the FishClix  Administration!

Use the links on the side perform your necessary tasks.

Below are descriptions for each section:


User Settings
Used by Event administrators (users) to setup up user specific settings such as user password, user descriptive title, admin email address, language settings (if allowed), and other variables.

Create/Delete Event
Used by Event Administrators for creating and deleting events.

Modify Event
Used by Event Administrators to modify existing events.

Event Options
Used by Event Administrators for numerous event functions such as viewing entries, viewing winners, viewing totals, clearing entries, backing up files and more.

Modify/View Banned
Used by Event Administrators to view and modify banned lists for events.

Upload File
Used by Event Administrators to upload.

Create Mailing List
Used by Event Administrators to create mailing lists from entries who have opted to be notified of new events.

Edit Templates
Used by Event Administrators to edit templates.